Thursday, January 22, 2009

I am so bad! I forgot to post week 3! I am sorry about that. As you might guess, week 3 is identical to week 2 except for three minor changes. The first change is the amount of rest, which is now 30 seconds between sets. The second change is on the third day of lifting, when you do the dreaded burpees, do as many sets as you can in 20 minutes! That is right - AS MANY SETS AS YOU CAN! The last change is in the cardio section. This week, your three days are still two interval sessions and one 45 minute continuous workout. However, on the interval days do 40 seconds on - 40 seconds rest(18 reps) and 1 minute on - 1 minute rest for 12 reps! That's it!

I hope that you are all enjoying the workout. Please let us know if you are having difficulty or have questions about the routine!

Hope all is well... Karen and Christine!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

So, how is everyone doing? You should have just finished week 1 and I hope that you enjoyed it. Christine and I just began week three and I must say that we are really enjoying the change. I have been a cardio fanatic forever and the shift to a total body workout has been a very welcome change. Although our goal is not to lose weight, I do feel as though I am becoming a little stronger and gaining a little definition.

The workout for week two is identical to week one but you get 15 seconds less rest between sets. For example, on day 1 you will still do your warmup but when you get to the core workout - you will get 45 seconds of rest between each set, not 1 minute. I know that it does not sound like a lot but it makes a huge difference. Also, if you can,  try and increase the weight that you are lifting. If you are using 10 lb weights, try and do 12. If you are using 12 lbs, try for 15. If this is too large of a jump, stick with the same weights but no more than 45 seconds of rest!

Enjoy week 2 and please send any comments or questions that you might have.

Karen and Christine

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Week 1

So here it is.  Took longer than we thought and it was late at night so I'm sure we missed a few things.  If you can, invest in a pull up bar that goes over the door.  They are inexpensive and needed for a few of the exercises.  You can figure out another way to do things...but this is the most effective.  

Since I don't think I can attach a PDF here, I will send to your email addresses and try to post on Facebook as well.  

We have included the first week of workouts.  We have included links to youtube videos that demonstrate the exercises.  This workout is for beginners and intermediates.  The point is to really challenge yourself without getting hurt.  Use your judgement.  Use heavier weights if you can but keep in mind that you will increase weights each week.  You will also decrease rest time and increase cardio intervals.  Week one you will do 30 sec intervals.  Week 2 you will do 1 min intervals.  Week one you rest 1 min between sets.  Week 2 you rest 45 sec between sets.  ''

Gather your equipment.  Decide when you will begin.  Look over the workout.  Watch the videos and make some notes if necessary.  

Remember you will get out what you put in.  The harder you work, the more effective the program will be.  What you eat is important as well.  If we can help on this front, let us know.

Karen and I have been doing it for a week.  I have to say I'm really liking it because it is short but intense.  I feel like I've worked out but don't feel completely wiped out.  I actually feel stronger already.  I'm sure that's because this workout uses all muscles and makes you aware of them.  You feel your muscles.  You feel that you have worked. 

Good Luck!   Let us know how it is working for you and if you have any questions. we come!!!!!